Your present position:

Important Dates

Abstract SubmissionMarch 1 – 15 August 2025
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: Starting from April 1 2025

Guideline for Submission

  • Step 1   Read all instructions and presenter’s information carefully
  • Step 2   Fill out abstract information(Presentation Type, Topic, Title, etc.) in the system
  • Step 3   Fill out authors’ information and attach your abstract file
  • Step 4   Review and submit your abstract
  • Step 5   Checking acceptance notification by e-mail and at My Page 

  • Each presenter must submit his/her abstract after signing up his/her own account.
  • You may modify the submitted abstract until August 15, 2025, but you cannot change the presenter. If you wish to change the presenter, you must withdraw the previous abstract and resubmit the abstract through the changed presenter’s account.

  • Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts for presentations.
  • The abstract should be up to 1 page in length and must be submitted online through the submission web page. The review process for the submitted abstracts will be managed by the 
  • APPC15 International Program Committee.

  • The abstract must be written in English, and submitted by  August 15, 2025. You may further edit and modify submitted abstract until the submission deadline.
  • Submitting an abstract implies the following agreement from its authors: Publishing of the abstract in the APPC16 abstract book and Presenter’s attendance at APPC16.

  • Please kindly note that abstract submission is mandatory for all presenters in order for their presentations to be arranged in the program of APPC16.
  • APPC16 consists of plenary talks, invited talks, contributed talks, and poster presentations.
    Each registered participant can present one presentation (either a talk or a poster).

    • Presentation Guideline
    • A plenary talk is 30 minutes long including questions and answers.
    • An invited talk is 30 minutes long including questions and answers.
    • A contributed talk is 15 minutes long including questions and answers.